Episode 64 - Do Beer And Coffee Mix? + 6 Good Wonderswan Games
We're back for Episode 64
In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and discuss 6 Good Wonderswan games.
We are doing news for the first monthly episode and then "catching up" later in the month.
Episode Guide
Quick Questions 4:22
Patreon 22:52
News 32:34
Eric's Take - RG351M - 1:16:44
6 Good Wonderswan Games 1:43:02
(Cody) Intellivision Shows physical Carts – 50k run
Amico™ Sneak Peek | Physical Products
(Cody) Amico pushed back
(Tim) Super Cars 2 AGA is now released for the Amiga. In this AGA version of Super Cars II that is free, you get tweaked gameplay, updated graphics, and a new soundtrack. uper Cars II AGA edition includes nice performance even on basic AGA Amiga’s, and classic gameplay features of multiple track types, weapons, road jumps, and car bumping fun to reach the first place as with the original games by Gremlin. Free to download but donations are appreciated!
(Cody) Metal Slug Tactics
(Cody) SMB3 on PC? Pre-Doom ID Software
(Eric) MiSter Multisystem from Neil from RMC - https://twitter.com/RMCRetro/status/1420404786608975875?s=20
(Cody) PiTrex! News to me! http://www.ombertech.com/pitrex.php
(Tim) TFW8B Kung Fu Flash V1.2, updated with new colour LED buttons that show state of use (Also cool colours). Also lots of different colour cases, Pink, Purple, Black, Clear. If you have a C64 and don’t have one of these.. Get one!
(Eric) Steamdeck! From Steam - https://www.steamdeck.com/en/
(Cody) Genesis Game - https://www.demonsofasteborg.com/
(Cody) Dreamcast Game – Intrepid Izzy
(Eric) Turbo Tomato Deluxe Edition - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/07/turbo-tomato-highly-explosive-arena.html#more
(Cody) R & Watch https://nizakashii.itch.io/rwatch
(Eric) Muddy Racers coming soon to c64! Looks awesome! - http://www.indieretronews.com/2021/07/muddy-racers-fabulous-racer-is-coming.html#more
(Cody) Mario 64 seal for 1.56m a fraud? (shocking)
(Eric) Amiga 500 Mini officially announced -
(Cody) Cave Touhou https://kotaku.com/shootem-up-developer-cave-announces-a-totally-new-shoot-1847279777
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Thanks for listening!
You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.
Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Garry Heather, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, David Motowylak, Team Gray All The Way, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, CityXen, Hermski, VaderGB, Mr. Toast, and Dustin Newell for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.
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