Playing the China Card
Join Melanie, Chris, and Bryan for a discussion of how to think about great power competition with China. Using Brookings scholar Tarun Chhabra's recent report "The China challenge, democracy, and US grand strategy" as the impetus for the conversation, our hosts dive into whether China's threat to liberal democracies is more of a challenge than that presented by the former Soviet Union, and if so, what America is willing to do to contest that challenge. Stay to the end to hear Melanie's inspired "Attagirl" for the senior senator from California. Links Tarun Chhabra, “The China challenge, democracy, and U.S. grand strategy,” Brookings Institution, February 2019 Seth Moulton, “Conversations on National Security and U.S. Naval Power: A Discussion with U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton,” Hudson Institute, February 27, 2019 Michael Tackett, “Five Takeaways From Cohen’s Testimony to Congress,” New York Times, February 27, 2019 Nina Siegal, “Rembrandt Died 350 Years Ago. Why He Matters,” New York Times, February 27, 2019 Aaron Blake, “John Bolton Tried to Explain Away Trump's Otto Warmbier Comments and It Went Poorly,” Washington Post, March 4, 2019. Caitlin Flanagan, “Dianne Feinstein Doesn't Need a Do-Over,” Atlantic, February 24, 2019 Matt Schiavenza, “Time to Kill Daylight Saving,” Atlantic, March 8, 2015 Gabi Warwick, “Punxsutawney Phil wanted by Middletown Police for 'crimes against nature’,” ABC22Now, March 4, 2019 Christian Britschgi, “ Rand Paul, Tom Udall Introduce Bill to End the War in Afghanistan,” Reason, March 5, 2019 “End the Forever War,” Common Defense, March 5, 2019