INF-inite Assessment
Under the dark cloud of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, this week’s Net Assessment podcast focuses on President Donald Trump’s that he intends to withdraw the United States from the INF Treaty. Although it’s a bilateral agreement with Russia, China factors heavily into our discussion, as do problems the president might face with allies and Congress going forward, should the withdrawal occur. We offer a few comments on the lack of civility we are experiencing, defense budget cuts, and Jeff Bezos. Finally, Bryan and Melanie politely listen while Chris congratulates the Red Sox on their World Series victory. Featured Article: Michael Krepon, "Nothing about Trashing the INF Treaty Makes the US Safer," Defense One, October 21, 2018. Sonny Bunch, “Jeff Bezos: King of the Tech Lords, " Washington Free Beacon, October 23, 2018. Elbridge Colby, "The INF Treaty Hamstrings the US. Trump is Right to Leave It," Center for a New American Security, October 23, 2018. Scott Cuomo, "It's Time to Make a New Deal Solving the INF Treaty's Strategic Liabilities to Achieve US Security Goals in Asia," Texas National Security Review, October 2018. Karoun Demirjian, "GOP Lawmakers Criticize Trump's Decision to Withdraw from Nuclear Arms Treaty," Washington Post, October 21, 2018. Michael Kofman, "Under the Missile's Shadow: What Does the Passing of the INF Treaty Mean?" War on the Rocks, October 26, 2018. Aaron Mehta, "It's Official: DoD Told to Take Cut with FY20 Budget," Defense News, October 26, 2018. Eric Sayers, "The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Future of The Indo-Pacific Military Balance," War on the Rocks, February 13, 2018. Kori Schake, "Trump's Defensible Decision to withdraw from a Nuclear Treaty," The Atlantic, October 23, 2018. Gary Shih, "China Rolls Back Decades-Old Tiger and Rhino Parts Ban, Worrying Conservationists," Washington Post, October 29, 2018. Ian Williams, "Leaving the INF Treaty Now is the Right Call," CSIS, October 24, 2018.