Kenny G, Toro with Balsamic Teriyaki Sauce from Nobu
Kenny G is the most famous saxophonist playing today. He has sold over 75 million albums, tours all over the globe, and holds the Guinness Book of World Records record for holding the longest note on a saxophone.
On this episode of YLM, Rachel gets the facts (not the fake news!) behind Kenny's contribution to creating an iconic menu item at the world's most popular coffee chain, learns which supermodel gave him his much-celebrated pie crust recipe, and she ponders a potentially life-changing question: Is Kenny G her real dad?
Rachel also talks with the Seattle native about his jazz band days at Franklin High School, his first gig playing with Barry White (and their subsequent meeting in a Soul Train Awards bathroom), and what product he uses to tame those luscious locks!
Special thanks to Ellia Kassoff of Leaf Candy. Have they resurrected one of your favorite bygone sweets? Find out at
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