The Science of Achievement VS the Art of Fulfillment
Welcome back to another episode of the One Funnel Away: Stories! Today, I’m going to discuss the difference between the Science of Achievement and the Art of Fulfillment. For a lot of entrepreneurs, achievement becomes a way of life, and in that process, we lose fulfillment and get miserable. Success is great, but if you’re using work to avoid something, then you have a problem. If you’re in this game for the long haul, you need to learn how to balance professional achievement and personal fulfillment. Both are incredibly important. Science of Achievement is all about the end goal, all about the outcome. When it comes to the Art of Fulfillment, we’re talking about the journey and discovery, about being in the moment. In this episode, I’m going to discuss how I came to reconcile these two and live a more balanced life. Get ready because we’re going to dive deep into some serious (and necessary) waters! Key takeaways: How I understood science VS art by learning from the best (1:18) Achievement is outcome-based; fulfillment is all about the journey (3:06) Are you using work to numb feelings or run away from something? (5:38) The reason why 90% of entrepreneurs are vastly unhappy (8:52) How I found fulfillment in giving up control and learning to enjoy the journey (11:20) Knowing yourself is important both in achievement and fulfillment side of things (13:08) Gratitude as the main driver and what it means to design VS discover yourself (15:00) Self-awareness is a huge first step towards genuine fulfillment (18:26) When you focus on something, it expands; focus on amazing things (20:46) Additional Resources: Take the One Funnel Away Challenge Subscribe for more awesome stories! And remember - you’re always just One Funnel Away!