My Own Entrepreneurial Journey- Steve Larsen
I spend a lot of time on the show talking to new entrepreneurs on their trials and triumphs as they build their businesses. It’s inspiring to watch them overcome challenge after challenge to reach their goals. Often, I see a lot of myself throughout the different interviews I host. So I wanted to take an opportunity to tell my own story in the hope that it may be a source of motivation for you. I was a natural-born entrepreneur, but I didn’t know it. It wasn’t until I was in college that I started to focus on building (and failing) businesses. I was completely broke and looked at the businesses around me, completely sure that I could run them better if I had the chance. But I had no guidance, no one pointing me in the right direction until I came Russell Brunson’s materials and the world of ClickFunnels. DotCom Secrets had just come out, and I became totally absorbed in that world. 34 tries and fails later, and here we are today! I hope you all find something valuable to bring to your entrepreneurial journeys from listening to my story. Stay tuned! Key Takeaways: Getting introduced to the world of ClickFunnels (3:46) Dealing with imposter syndrome (5:25) Why I thought I was going to get fired for the first several months of working for Russell Brunson (7:50) The realization that I needed to be transformed into a marketer (10:00) The truth is funnel building is not marketing (11:26) Cash comes as a byproduct of marketing (12:41) Additional Resources: Take the One Funnel Away Challenge Subscribe for more awesome stories! And remember - you’re always just One Funnel Away! ---- Step #1: Get Russell Brunson's Free Books Dot Com Secrets | Expert Secrets | Traffic Secrets Step #2: Want More 'One Funnel Away' Training? Free 30 Days Summit | One Funnel Away Challenge Step #3: By The Way, I'm A HUGE 'Funnel Freak' If You Want A 2 Week Trial To ClickFunnels, Go Here g