What Do You See When You Look at Education Through a Gratitude Lens?
This week millions of teachers and school leaders will turn our attention to gratitude. In the spirit of the season, I’ve invited a group of educators to talk with me about what silver linings they see in education today that make them feel grateful.
Follow on Twitter: @LainieRowell @sgthomas1973 @5Silber @ideasforteacher @kylehamstra @bamradionetwork @jonHarper70bd
Lainie Rowell is an educator, international consultant, writer, podcaster, and TEDx speaker. She is the lead author of Evolving Learner, a contributing author of Because of a Teacher, and her latest book, Evolving with Gratitude, was just released. An experienced teacher and district leader, she is dedicated to building learning communities and her areas of focus include learner-driven design, social-emotional learning, online/blended learning, and professional learning.
Shawn Thomas is in her 20th year of teaching in the largest county in Georgia. She has taught Kindergarten, Second and Third Grade, and ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) K-5.
Sara Silber is an award-winning elementary school teacher and a lead mentor with 30 years of classroom experience. Sara has written two blogposts, for BehaviorFlip’s Blog-“Social Emotional Growth Maps” and “A Teacher’s Journey Through Hacking School Discipline.” More recently, she authored a chapter in the inspiring book Thank You, Teacher. Sara enjoys working with her students and helping them grow and become independent learners. When she is not teaching or planning she is finding ways to support her colleagues. She loves to share her expertise, funny stories and other things that happen in the life of a teacher.
Dan Jones earned a BS in Middle Grades Education from Ashland University and a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from American College of Education. Dan is an FLGI Master Teacher whose professional interests include e-learning and technology, as well as Project-Based Learning. He is the author of Flipped 3.0 Project Based Learning: An Insanely Simple Guide.
Kyle Hamstra is an Instructional facilitator at Westlake Middle school Apex, North Carolina.