341 | Expand Your Network
How do you meet like-minded people? You know you’re awesome and you’ve got big dreams, but how do you build a network of people like you? This has been a huge key to Cayla’s success especially in the earlier years of the Mommy Millionaire brand. Today’s episode is all about Cayla’s tips on getting into the right rooms to expand your network. Remember that expanding your network ultimately leads to expanding your personal growth and your income. This episode is sponsored by https://soaak.com/ (Soaak). Be sure to listen to Laura, the creator of this amazing frequency therapy app, on the Mommy Millionaire Podcast episode. Remember that listeners of Mommy Millionaire get a special 70% coupon code for one premium month with https://soaak.com/ (Soaak)! The code is “mommy,” so head there to get this amazing program called Rise Up Queen. This is a special Mommy Millionaire offer that you cannot find anywhere else. Cayla has also rebranded the Millionairess Society to become a coaching membership. Cayla says the first time she hired a business coach, everything changed in her life, all because she had somebody looking at her life and helping her find the blind spots and gain a new perspective on her past and her future. Cayla wants to make coaching affordable for everyone and invites you to join this coaching membership no matter where you are in your life right now; coaching will serve you. If you are ready for your life to be transformed, head on over to http://www.mommymillionaire.co/coaching (www.mommymillionaire.co/coaching) to join this beautiful monthly membership, and if you click on this https://blueprint.mykajabi.com/offers/LEVWnkL2/checkout?coupon_code=CAYLA (link) or use the word Cayla when checking out, you can save 25% off your first month of membership. Thank you all for leaving reviews! This is the reason this podcast continues to grow. You will learn: [4:42] - The most common question Cayla hears is, “How do I meet like-minded people?” [6:27] - Bringing it back to 2016, Cayla invested in a retreat. [7:47] - Are you following people who are like-minded that inspire you? [8:50] - Another way Cayla built her network was by joining a mastermind. [10:43] - Through the people she met in the mastermind, Cayla’s life changed. [13:43] - Cayla shares an experience with a con artist and the lesson she learned. [14:42] - Hire a coach who inspires you that will help you get what you want. [16:57] - Instagram is great to network for free, but leveling up will need an investment. [17:53] - Because of different masterminds Cayla has been in has created investment opportunities. [19:00] - October 3rd is Cayla’s next retreat and you can find out more by going to http://mommymillionaire.co/retreat (mommymillionaire.co/retreat). Find Cayla: https://www.mommymillionaire.co/ (Mommy Millionaire) https://www.mommymillionaire.co/mastermind (Mastermind) https://www.facebook.com/CraftCayla/ (Facebook) https://www.instagram.com/cayla.craft/ (Instagram) https://www.pinterest.com/caycraftisa/ (Pinterest)