WW 721: Verbs Don't Sell - Microsoft Cloud PC, Linux GUI apps on WSL, Edge 90
Microsoft Cloud PC, Linux GUI apps on WSL, Edge 90 What's new in Windows Microsoft marches toward launching its 'Cloud PC' service, possibly this summer New Windows 10 test build adds first preview of Linux GUI apps on WSL News and Interests Flyout Comes to Beta and Release Preview Rings Microsoft is (Probably) Killing Timeline Now, Too Microsoft is building a new app store for Windows 10 in major revitalization effort Microsoft wants to close the UWP, Win32 divide with 'Windows Apps' Edging along ... Microsoft rolls out Edge 90, with new history search, Kids Mode, to mainstream users Microsoft Edge 90 Launches with Password Monitor, More Microsoft takes a step toward unifying its Edge codebase across all platforms You Can Test the Unified Microsoft Edge Codebase on Android Microsoft Doesn't Commit to Blocking FLoC Dev Microsoft's Visual Studio 2022 is moving to 64-bit Microsoft Announces ID@Azure Xbox Microsoft talks with Discord end with no buy for now: Report Microsoft Brings Cloud Gaming to iOS and the PC in Beta Microsoft Partnered with Rainway on Xbox Cloud Gaming Microsoft Announces More Xbox Game Pass Titles for April April Updates for Xbox Bring Changes to Console, Mobile Tips and picks Tip of the week: Use OneDrive's Known Folder Backup App pick of the week: Stardock Multiplicity KVM Enterprise pick of the week: Microsoft has big datacenter build-out plans Codename pick of the week: Santa Cruz Beer pick of the week: Brewing Ectogasm Hosts: Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley, and Paul Thurrott Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at https://twit.tv/clubtwit Check out Paul's blog at thurrott.com Check out Mary Jo's blog at AllAboutMicrosoft.com The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Carl Franklin. Sponsors: BANDWIDTH.COM/WW wwt.com/twit