Free College? It’s More Complicated Than That | OAS Episode 140
The cost of higher education, the amount of student loan debt, the percentage of students who receive degrees and other related issues have been debated in legislatures and on the campaign trail. Proposals for a new federal state-partnership on higher education and for free community college are among the issues being debated.
On this podcast we hear from Kevin Carey and Jason Delisle, both experts on higher education policy. Carey is the vice president for education policy and knowledge management at New America, a policy research organization. Delisle is a senior policy fellow at the Urban Institute.
The two discussed the track record on affordability, access and outcomes in U.S public higher education and the different approaches states have taken. They also assessed proposals for state-federal partnerships and the likelihood that different states might have very different attitudes toward the type of partnerships being proposed.
While they differ on a number of points, both agreed the complexities of how a federal-state partnership would work are largely missing from the public debate.
This topic also will be on the agenda for NCSL’s Legislative Summit in Tampa, Fla., Nov. 3-5.