Moon Talk 004: Natural Cycle, Moon & Woman

The cycle we're in isn't just physical. It's energetic and emotional as well.  It happens not just during certain days or phases, but the whole month. We embody 4 different archetypes/goddesses within us. Understanding this takes us out of linear time and working  in the cycle. The energetic, creative, sexual and spiritual gifts that open depending on the cycle we're in. We've been taught in the patriarchy to create in a linear way. But we have our ups and our downs. Both need to be recognized and honored. Traditional cultures where the period/cycle is called the moon. There is no separation. What the Grandmother says happens when you bleed The first step to connect with your cycle The process of dissent and the dark mother The spring, summer, fall and winter archetype If we want to thrive, be happy, and create, we need to align our natural cycle and the cycle of the earth as a process of creation. SHOW NOTES  14:00—we are creating depending on the cycle we're in at the moment. The story of Eve—the four archetypes of women. 16:22—Ovulation/the spring archetype —the mother 18:07—The third archetype—the wild woman 20:00—The  fourth archetype —the crone 24:00—The Crone/Wise Woman Archetype when you bleed. In many traditional cultures the cycle is called the moon. 27:39—The Maiden Archetype when energy arises from within yourself 28:37—The Inner Winter. The dark mother and process of dissent. 33:05—The Spring Archetype. The cave dissolves itself. The creative force and sexual energy arising through us (Maiden) 34:34—The Summer Archetype 35:18—The Fall Archetype 44:12—Our natural process of creation as women, if its rooted in that natural cycle of life, will be harmonious into the future. To connect with Jaclyn Norton visit: (Website) | (Instagram) | (Pinterest) To connect with Sandra Raso visit: (Website |) (Instagram)| (Facebook)

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