16. Drink Some Water, You Beautiful + Capable but Dehydrated B*tch
Sure, we're getting better at talking about our mental health with each other, especially on social media—but this new, constant focus on "how do I feel?" makes it easy to forget that the Brain we rely on to make our choices, plan our days and create our moods *is* a Body.
On today's twice-recorded voicemail (long story) we discuss why your weird mood likely isn't about poor life choices (honestly, stop being so hard on yourself!) but it *might* mean you're dehydrated.
YEP—did you know that even mild dehydration can mess with your mental health? Today we cover: The physical AND mental signs of dehydration; Does drinking water make your skin as dewey as a glossier ad, or...?; Do I need to stop drinking caffeine? Because if so, NOT HAPPENING; and, finally, the surprising difference between tiredness, fatigue, and exhaustion. Cuz' they're different.
Also: Me, hungover, whispering in your ear from the safety of my warm bed—and a demand that you choose your side for the La Croix pronunciation battle.
So…Call me when you get this?
No really, call me! 510) 394-2104.
Leave a voicemail with your love notes, feedback, and questions for me to research, and I’ll be sure to call you back.
If you liked this episode, please subscribe, rate (with all the stars), or leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts – so I can “call” more humans with my trademarked brand of aggressive kindness. And if you’ve already done one of those things, THANK YOU!
Song Credit: “Semicircle Song” by The Go! Team
Let’s be friends. DM me on Instagram: @alexisrockley
Looking for a transcript of this podcast episode? Shoot me an email: alexis@alexisrockley.com
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