14. How to Deal with Overwhelm [listener question!]
Oh hey there. Pre-coffee Alexis here, inserting herself into your life and voice-mailbox to talk in a gravely voice about overwhelm—thanks to a brilliant listener question from @toandfrofam.
When we're making moves in our lives and work, learning new stuff, taking risks—how do we keep from getting overwhelmed or paralyzed from all the new information? I had a hunch science would be able to help us answer this, and boy did science come through for us! In this episode I break down the three kinds of overwhelm that love to punch us in the guts during times of change (brain glitch, "I suck at life," and choice paralysis ) and the three best ways to handle it, prevent it, and cancel it—according to science.
Also: the Spider Bro story; the shame of morning bootcamp exercisers; keep those balls in the air.
So…Call me when you get this?
No really, call me! 510) 394-2104. Leave a voicemail with your love notes, feedback, and questions for me to research, and I’ll be sure to call you back.
P.S. You can FINALLY preorder my book, Find Your F yeah, RIGHT HERE! And you should know, ONLY that link has the epic bonus bundle (bonuses so good my publisher wasn’t even sure I should give all them away)—one of which is a personalized video DM pep talk from yours truly.
If you liked this episode, please subscribe, or rate (with all the stars), or leave a mushy review wherever you listen to podcasts – so I can “call” more humans with my trademarked brand of aggressive kindness. And if you’ve already done one of those things, THANK YOU!
Song Credit: “Semicircle Song” by The Go! Team
Let’s be friends. DM me on Instagram: @alexisrockley
Looking for a transcript of this podcast episode? Shoot me an email: alexis@alexisrockley.com
Need self-help career advice actually based in science? Check out my book-baby, Find Your F*ckyeah: Stop Censoring Who You Are and Discover What You Really Want, anywhere books are sold.
But also, here: www.findyourfyeah.com
Got an epic idea, but feeling stuck? Maybe you want to pivot careers, launch a business, start a non-profit, quit life and travel the world...but have NO idea how you'll find the money, time, support, or resources to make this thing happen? I get it—and I've been there.
You're not lazy, distracted, or lost. You just need help getting out of your own way.
You need goal-setting strategies rooted in psychology, accountability, and aggressive cheerleading. “Get Out of Your Own Way” is a 6-month, 1:1 mentorship program for motivated creatives who are ready to stop hesitating and start making their big, crazy, impossible goals into reality. NOTE: Bi-annual spots are limited, so apply now!