3. How to deal with borrredommm.
Hey Babes! ...Weird, I've never called you babes before. Anyhow, today I'm calling to talk about boredom, apathy, and choice paralysis—and how to eliminate it right-quick (using science, of course). Whether you feel temporarily "stuck" in uninteresting circumstances or you're utterly bored of your life and work (an overwhelming feeling), there are two easy ways to get rid of boredom when it strikes.
P.S. Truck City, U.S.A. (It'll make sense after you hear the episode, I swear.)
For a deep dive into the hard science of happiness (translated for humans, of course)—join the #HowToLikeBeingAlive community + get weekly advice from yours truly (backed by science). Join us here!
So…Call me when you get this?
No really, call me! 510) 394-2104. Leave a voicemail with your love notes, feedback, and questions for me to research, and I’ll be sure to call you back.
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Song Credit: “Semicircle Song” by The Go! Team
Let’s be friends. DM me on Instagram: @alexisrockley
Looking for a transcript of this podcast episode? Shoot me an email: alexis@alexisrockley.com
Need self-help career advice actually based in science? Check out my book-baby, Find Your F*ckyeah: Stop Censoring Who You Are and Discover What You Really Want, anywhere books are sold.
But also, here: www.findyourfyeah.com
Got an epic idea, but feeling stuck? Maybe you want to pivot careers, launch a business, start a non-profit, quit life and travel the world...but have NO idea how you'll find the money, time, support, or resources to make this thing happen? I get it—and I've been there.
You don't need more generic, good vibe-y (but totally un-researched) advice from self-proclaimed "experts" telling you to "pursue your passion," "learn to prioritize," or "practice self-care." You're not lazy, distracted, or lost. You just need help getting out of your own way.
You need goal-setting strategies rooted in psychology, accountability, and aggressive cheerleading.
In other words: Me. I can help.
Did you know I'm a Career Coach for people who don't believe in careers—or coaching? Surprise!
“Get Out of Your Own Way” is a 6-month, 1:1 mentorship program for motivated creatives who are ready to stop hesitating and start making their big, crazy, impossible goals into reality. NOTE: Bi-annual spots are limited, so apply now!