CM 001: Seth Godin on How to Author a Life
Best-selling author Seth Godin discusses how to reimagine life and work in the post-industrial age. His books include Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip, and Purple Cow. In this interview, Seth talks about the liberating power of committing to a lifetime of projects. He also discusses the challenges involved and ways of overcoming them along the way. Additional topics include: how the resistance prevents us from living how we want to live how seeing helps us innovate and inspire what he and Guy Kawasaki missed when they failed to see how we develop smart intuition ways to choose worthwhile projects when to end a project or simply to walk away and leave a legacy how to make it through the dip when most people quit how the modern economy rewards big problem solvers how committing to a life of problem solving gives our lives meaning how the power of relationships allows us to do amazing things (like speak in London) Seth also talks about the role of curiosity in his life and the big revelation that led him to start rethinking life and work. As always, thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post. Also, please leave a review of the Curious Minds podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! I read every one of them. Be sure to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates. Episode Links What to Do When It Is Your Turn The War of Art Blog post on Projects Blog post on London Blog post on Learning to See Blog post on Permission Marketing Stop Stealing Dreams