634 - KimBoat Slice
Let's get to note'n.
Do you dorks even read this? There are times when I'm just sitting here at the studio, hammering away on these and I ask myself; "Do folks really care about the typed-out notes that accompany our show? Should I go home already? Do they scan this to see what the hell we did that day? I mean, I guess it matters if you're doing a quick search of the notes but I'm not even sure we have that capability!" ... I seriously think about that.
So, let's roll! We had a really fun day today and for those of you that like the longer shows, we f'ed up and just let it roll. Who knows anymore. On this week's show:
* Seth arguing with his bank so he can buy a boat
* PADH- Passive Aggressive D___head
* OnlyFans getting rid of porn
* Sitting on cakes
* Dan's interaction with a litterbug in the Publix parking lot
* Dr. Dre's daughter
* Enabling
* Venus/Penis flytrap
* Sleep number beds
* Who likes skinny d____?
* Chirp research
* Chirpers Paradise
* Chirp choppin
* Ode to Tom Vann
* Lenny Kravitz and his band all dress the same
* Barney burp
Thanks to all of you who might have caught the stream live. The Twitch chatroom that we have is a very fun and inclusive place of very adamant listeners. If you've never checked it out, you might really be missing out on something cool. Check it all out at Twitch.tv/TomandDanLive and we're always at "TomandDanLive" on YouTube. (All Twitch live streams are immediately uploaded there.