Drunk Map History - 75th Anniversary of UN Resolution 181
It's the 75th anniversary of UN passed Resolution 181 aka United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine. The map made no sense at the time but Israel continued to steal land, practice ethnic cleansing, and used myths to perpetuate cultural genocide. Miko talks about that history including the roles his own grandfather and father played.
Miko is joined by Eli Gerzon - a longtime Palestine solidarity activist who is going to make sure this podcast will be more frequent and consistent. So make sure to subscribe and share with others!
IMAGE of the map in the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine
READ Miko Peled's recent article about UN Res. 181: https://www.mintpressnews.com/un-resolution-181-75-years-of-myth-making-and-false-israeli-legitimacy/282869/
Follow Miko on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikopeled/
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Follow Eli Gerzon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/eligerzon/