Resolutions, Goal Setting, and Fears for Hosting Your First International Student
In this episode, we are refreshed from our break and ready to tackle the fear of having a student in your home for the very first time. If one of your goals for the year is to become a homestay host, we help you dive into the unknown. What is it really like to have a stranger in your house? How do you get around that fear? Should you really be hosting a student then? We share our thoughts to help you navigate that fear. Whether you are a family with or without kids or you only have a short amount of time to host vs a year-round student, we give you the basics to help you decide if this is the cultural experience that's right for you. And we hope it is! Let us know what your fears are and if we've helped in any way by emailing us at or find us on Instagram! First, let's talk resolutions and how we were never built for this kind of commitment. Key Points From This Episode: Mary does not like to match. She values sleep above all.#twinningisnotherthing Erin’s girls get mistaken for twins. We reminisce about the break. New Year’s resolutions - they’re not really for us! Erin talks about the one resolution she was successful in keeping.#itannoysherfamilytonoend The following year broke Erin. Mary talks about how she's not a good goal setter. Which activity does Mary struggle most to complete?#nopatience #wouldratherbeknitting Erin’s new resolution is to find a solution for Mary. We answer Katharine’s question (from Instagram) about how to get rid of the fear of having a stranger in your home for the first time. Mary talks about what helped ease her mind before hosting her first student. Erin shares how hosting students has benefitted her children. There are homestay situations for every walk of life. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Yarn Harlot books Follow Us: Instagram – Facebook – Web –