Traditions of Halloween Past and How We Get International Students Involved Today
In this episode, we're talking Halloween! We explore what each of our families does for Halloween and how you can incorporate your homestay student into the festivities. We reminisce about our past Halloween experiences to reveal how sometimes these student situations make us feel old. Key Points From This Episode: Mary is prepared for Halloween - her daughter is dressing up as a buzzy bee. Erin is a reluctant Halloween mother and is need of a Halloween miracle! She’s hoping Pinterest can save her. Her daughters have Halloween costumes, but her son and students do not. Her teenage students will pitch in and do amazing makeup for her children. The backup costume for Erin’s Japanese student is a Carebear costume Erin made when she was a high school student. Last year, Erin and her student successfully sewed four kimonos in 24 hours. Erin’s children don’t eat all their Halloween candy. This news upset Mary deeply. Mary didn’t get Halloween costumes growing up and trick or treating was hard. She hoarded the hard earned candy she did get - it was her pay! Pumpkin carving is a team event at Erin’s house. Together they are carving 8+ pumpkins! This will be the first pumpkin for Mary’s daughter - it’s bigger than her! Erin’s students will go trick or treating with her children. It’s good for them (they get candy too!) and for her, there’s more chaperones for the kids on a dark night. Plus it’s fun for the whole family and part of the homestay experience. Erin introduced Mary to the concept of “Mom and Dad tax” when it comes to trick or treating (or life in general). Mary thinks Erin should Mom and Dad tax students and kids equally. Mary’s QR Code Costume - Check out her Halloween Flickr photo album here and click here to see her virtual QR code costume. Mary’s past costumes have been revolutionary and shocking! One year she was “Fifty Shades of Grey”. Gilmore Girls - Jon a Mary as "Lane a Zach" Mary has hosted two students before during Halloween and introduced one of her students to the classic 80’s movie “Ghostbusters”. After hearing about how her student reacted to one of the scenes in the “Ghostbusters” movie, Erin a Mary launched into a “back in my day” reminiscence. Follow Us: Instagram – Facebook – Web – Quotes “I just need to know what rating? When you say, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ what rating?” - Erin (23:36) “Always family friendly.” - Mary (23:40) “Thank you. We’re always family friendly on The Homestay Kitchen.” - Erin (23:42)