Obligations vs Opportunities and the Hidden Gift Inside of You with Ash Ghandehari
For the first podcast in the War Machine, Ash Ghandehari joins Steve for a discussion on personal development. Ash is an IRONMAN competitor and coach, Host of FITx Talks, and husband of Heartcore Business owner Shanda Sumpter. Join Steve and Ash as they discuss finding the gold medal inside every person. Choose to impact others and have massive influence through your personal development.
“Your life will only look as good as your personal development.”
-Ash Ghandehari
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3:29 - Ash’s impact on Steve
6:28 - Finding the ingredients to happiness
13:22 - Circumstantial life-training
16:45 - The positive and negative motivational forces in Ash’s life
23:16 - Everyone has a gold medal inside of them
30:36 - Choosing vs. being a victim
38:52 - Making your vision about impact and influence rather than personal gain
47:59 - The more you give to the world, the more the world gives to you
51:45 - Giving instead of looking for a “win”
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