My Formula To Win At Life: R.A.C.E.
R.A.C.E. Recognize. Assign. Create. Execute.
On today's episode, Steve presents a speech that he gave to promote the importance of "intention". Steve takes the opportunity to open up and offer stories and experiences from his life. You'll discover how to impact the world by developing your driving intention. From childhood struggles to Super Bowl memories, learn from Steve's growing understanding of the acronym R.A.C.E.
“The methodism for achievement is intention.”
-Steve Weatherford
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1:45 - The backstory of Steve’s speech
6:58 - How do you win in life? Recognize. Assign. Create. Execute.
8:58 - The importance of intention in your life
12:30 - Intention throughout Steve’s journey
19:10 - Remembering Steve’s Super Bowl experience as a fulfillment of his goals and effort
25:31 - Why Steve’s focus on his imperfections drove him to continue to replicate R.A.C.E.
34:02 - Steve’s struggle with self-worth and changing intentions
38:59 - How Steve’s past is used for the good of others and the good of himself
43:48 - Give intention to yourself so that you unleash the power to impact the world
45:58 - How to join the movement
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