Episode 9: Temperance
A discussion of the Stoic virtue of Temperance, what it is and how to apply it. Temperance is not about a completely prudish way to act, but away of self control and moderation. Email me at sundaystoic@gmail.com Readings:Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam https://archive.org/stream/RubaiyatOfOmarKhayyam_263/Rubaiyat-LeGallienne-1901_djvu.txt1. Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius: Chapter 8 vs 122. The Enchiridon, Chapter 14: http://classics.mit.edu/Epictetus/epicench.html3: Moral Letters to Lucilus, #21: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Moral_letters_to_Lucilius/Letter_71