Ugh, My Rivers of Light - Review
Should you see Rivers of Light at Disney's Animal Kingdom? We booked the Rivers of Light dining package so we could review Rivers of Light at Disney's Animal Kingdom for you. Tusker House for lunch was fabulous. We have two adults an 11 year old and a 7 year old. Our total bill for the buffet lunch with tax and tip was $220. That's a bunch of money for lunch but again the variety of food at Tusker House is a relief when you have been eating chicken nuggets and burgers at theme parks. The seating for the 7:15 PM Rivers of Light show when you get the dining package, is great. I would get to the Rivers of Light seating area at 6:30 - 6:45 PM for the 7:15 PM show. This is for those that have the Rivers of Light dining package. If you don't have the Rivers of Light dining package you need to get to the show earlier to get a seat. I also would get a Fastpass if you did not purchase the dining package. Rivers of Light Review First, it is great to see some night time activities at Animal Kingdom. The nighttime safari, the Tree of Life show and now Rivers of Light. If you have seen Wishes at the Magic Kingdom, or Fantasmic at Disneyland or Disney World, Or World of Color at Disneyland, Rivers of Light is nothing like these which for me was disappointing. I think my expectations were set to high. The last two Disney nighttime shows I saw were Dreams at Disneyland Paris and World of Color at Disneyland. Those shows are AMAZING! Rivers of Light is worth seeing once but lacked emotion. I was hoping Disney would take the best from World of Color with projections and fountains, and add like actors, to that type of show. What's nice about Rivers of Light. This shows extends Animal Kingdom to a full day park and gives you something to gather with family and friends to watch. The floats are beautiful Seating seems to be good from most if not all of the river side seating areas. Get our complete list of Disney World Hacks We have a long list of Disney World Hacks that will help save you time and money. Our list is free and we are happy to email it to you. Get the Top Disney World Hacks - Tips and Tricks List Join us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. Mouse Chat Facebook Mouse Chat Instagram Mouse Chat Twitter Mouse Chat YouTube We would love to hear from you. Is there something you want to know about Mouse Chat? Please leave a comment. Please join us by listening to our show at or by downloading and subscribing to Mouse Chat on iTunes. If you subscribe to our Disney Podcast on iTunes you can schedule it to update your player so you will never miss a show. We also have Mouse Chat Radio if you would like to listen to our Internet Radio station. We stream our current and last three episodes on Mouse Chat Radio. Have limited Data? You can listen to Mouse Chat at Mouse Chat Radio. You can listen to Mouse Chat Radio on ZenoRadio. Anyone can listen by calling: (701) 719-2539 Mouse Chat Radio is also broadcasting 24/7 at all of your favorite internet stations (iTunes Radio, TuneIn, etc.)