#60 - A Story of Religion and Love
A love story from Canada, featuring married couple Sana and Will Saleh. Sana is of Pakistani background, born and raised British Columbia, Canada. Her husbad Will is a born and raised Canadian and a convert/revert to Islam. In this 50-minute episode, Will and Sana share the story of how they met each other, how Will decided to convert from Atheism to Islam, getting her traditional Pakistani parents on-board with the idea of the mariage, and how they got to where they are; happily married with two kids ! They also answer many frequently asked questions along the way. Sana and Will have a very strong following on TikTok (username: salehfamily), and also make YouTube videos (channel: Sana Saleh Beauty). You can also follow them on Instagram (@sanasalehbeauty). They have decided to use their story to inspire and help other people and create original content from their angle. Feel free to DM them!