#26 Part A - Controversies in Gaming and Media, a Pakistani Angle
In this episode we discuss a lot of controversies, primarily based on gaming but also overall modern media. Featuring 3 guests: Buntoo Cage (20, Lahore, hosts 'The Too Sweet Show'), Noor (24, Karachi), and Saif (23, London). This episode has some strong opinionated conversations, and while we may not all agree with the opinions offered, rest assured that this is just another wave in the diverse ocean of Pakistani opinions! This episode is Part A of Episode 26. Follow up with Part B for more focused discussion on gaming and to learn more about Buntoo and his show! Follow Buntoo Cage's show on Facebook (@TTSSCage), Youtube (search The Too Sweet Show), or Instagram (@thetoosweetshow) to access his gaming content and reviews!