Covid-19 Cuties Z and C, part 1: why Z is having more sex, but dating less, and C isn't dating at all
How can we date during the Coronavirus pandemic, aka COVID-19? 35-year-olds Z and C answer questions about how they're dating during this era of face masks, sheltering in place, and social distancing. Submit your questions or Come on the Show! This episode covers: - What's the first dating thing you’re going to do when quarantine is over? - In terms of priority level, what level was dating before, and how has it changed now? - Have you changed your distance or started chatting with people from farther away as a result of quarantine? Why? - What are you looking for from men you match with online? How has the coronavirus changed that? - Are you more attracted to optimists or realists? Has that changed since before the coronavirus? - Is it easier or harder for you to feel more comfortable with a guy right now, since it's harder to meet up at present? - Normally how long would you want to wait to go on a first date? And now with the Shelter-in-place, how long are you willing to forgo meeting the guy in person? - Are you thinking about breaking quarantine to meet in person and be intimate? - How would you rate your sex drive, compared to the average woman’s? - Do you want sex more or less as a result of the current situation? Submit your questions or Come on the Show! Subscribe to not miss an episode: Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, Overcast, RadioPublic, Podbean, TuneIn Help others find the podcast: a rating or review on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher will help more people find the show