#08 How to stop ruminating thoughts
Is your mind constantly buzzing with the same burdening thoughts? You try to shake them off - but you can’t. It just goes on and on and on. All the wrong choices. All the past mistakes; all the right things you should’ve said - but didn’t. Rumination is an act of obsessive thinking. It’s not exactly the same as worrying or overthinking and it’s not quite like having OCD thoughts - most of the time, you’re ruminating about the past. In other words, you’re obsessing about a past event or a past situation that can’t be changed, no matter how hard you think about it. let me tell you, we’ve all done it! It’s so easy to fall into the rumination trap and I know it feels almost impossible to get out of it.--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/appSupport the show (https://www.instagram.com/bernadetteballa)