Tune up your revenue engine with Big Brothers Big Sisters
Vroom, vroom! Let's rev up your nonprofit's revenue engine!
Today we're talking to a friend, colleague, and nonprofit sparkplug Deborah Barge, the Chief Development Officer at Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, an organization that you maaaay have heard of.
Deb's track record working with charitable organizations that have a deep history of donor engagement, like March of Dimes and Muscular Dystrophy Association, has given her insight into not just ways to cultivate donors, but also how to fast-track changes internally to achieve maximum buy-in.
And that's not all Deb came to talk about—one of the things that brought Deb to Big Brothers Big Sisters was the pedal-to-the-metal way justice, equity, and inclusion are infused in everything they do, from the CEO on down to the youth they mentor, and how they've shifted gears thanks to COVID.
Hold on tight because this is a wide—and we mean WIDE—ranging conversation that follows its own roadmap from professional topics like nonprofit revenue generation and donor cultivation to Deborah's personal insights on the future of our youth and fundraising as a woman of color.