The Thickness of a Dream
Wherein we learn of the breadth of Sir Terry's genius and of one way of approaching the reading of Discworld novels. We also hear a bit about Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax, the novels featuring the Ankh Morkpork city watch, as well as those featuring Death, his adopted granddaughter, a consummate conman, and Rincewind, failed wizard and champion survivor. Although not all at once, of course. That is, not all those entities are featured in all the books-- and of course they're not all featured at once in this, the sixth episode of The Discworld Portal. Remember you can contact your host and guide at, and make a paypal donation to the same address if you would like to support the show, or at least pay the producer's salary. Oh, and we learn that it is never advisable to address Granny Weatherwax as Granny (she prefers Mistress Weatherwax) unless you know her very well, and probably not even then. We also find out about headology. Oh and Death's adopted granddaughter is not an accomplished conman. Moist von Lipwig is. A conman that is, and not death's adopted granddaughter. Don't worry, it will all come right in the end.