What To Do When You Have No Idea What To Say To Her - TCW46
Man, have you ever really WANTED to strike up a conversation with particularly sexy woman...but just drew a TOTAL BLANK? Or worse, have you ever actually STARTED talking to her only to somehow WRECK your chances--without even knowing what you said or did that messed everything up? Well, it's time to put all of those bad memories behind you forever. Joining me as co-host for this illustrious episode is fellow podcaster and dating coach Jordan Harbinger from Pickup Podcast--and we've got solutions for you that will leave you speechless. (Well, actually they'll do the EXACT OPPOSITE of that, right?) While we're at it we answer a voice mail from Nate in California who's just coming off of a LTR and is wondering how to tell when it's the right time for him to jump back into meeting and dating new women. Have you heard about the latest X & Y Communications program called The Difference? In it I finally fork over all of my very best secrets on how to be better with women at every level. Now that I'm 'retired' from dating and seduction and living the dream with Emily, I have no reason to hold back. From now on every single advantage with women that I've ever made my own can be yours also. Grab a cold one and check it all out at http://www.thedifferenceinfo.com/subscribers
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