Quit Making Everything So Complicated - TCW38
Based on the type of e-mails we get, I can tell you that most guys are straight-up making the process of approaching and meeting women WAY more complicated than it has to be. Most of us over-analyze even the idea of approaching a woman to a fault, and assuming we ever dig ourselves out from under that we then rely on a massive system of rules, sequences and 'if/then' strategies that end up just derailing us instead of helping us reach our goals. Well, here's the simple truth: Approaching and meeting women doesn't have to be NEARLY as complicated as you think. Brad and I show you the disarmingly simple reasons why--all the while discussing the finer points of why meeting women is like sales, among other things. Plus, we take a voice mail from Craig in Colorado on how to build a social circle from scratch and hit it with a big, heavy hammer. Be sure to get in on the X & Y Communications newsletter by visiting http://www.deservewhatyouwant.com/ and score your copy of my latest special report called, 'Get The First Date...And The Second Date'.
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