Are Women Really So Hard To Figure Out? - TCW33

On the auspicious occasion of the long-awaited launch of Chick Whispering, the book (and now complete program) inspired by this podcast, I invited none other than Wing Girl extraordinaire Marni Kinrys to join me for what may be the definitive Chick Whispering discussion, superseding all others. Listen in as Marni talks about some absolutely primo ways to figure out what's on a woman's mind--quickly and easily. We also delve into some of the deeper issues as to why so many people prefer to flat-out give up on MOTOS (Members Of The Opposite Sex) rather giving a fair shot to figuring them out. Also, we tackle a terrific voice mail from Donovan in New York city on dating older women. For more on the new Chick Whispering e-book, stop by for an intro I've produced that explains it all.

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