Women Are NOT The Enemy...Make Them Your Allies Instead - TCW30
It's easy to lapse into an 'us versus them' mentality when it comes to women, especially when one's focus is off. Join Nick Sparks and I as we talk about how to get what you want from women WITHOUT feeling like you have to win a game of 'keep away' to do so. Prepare for some surprising insights that are flat-out unheard of in the Seduction Community, but which have been field tested with great success. Gentlemen, this episode is ALL ABOUT how to enjoy FAR GREATER satisfaction in your relationships women than you've ever dreamed possible...WAY, WAY beyond sex alone. If you haven't checked out The Master Plan yet, visit http://www.deservewhatyouwant.com/masterplan. And if you haven't snagged up the FREE book on how to meet high quality women on Twitter, the time is now--more and more women are joining EVERY DAY: http://www.twiduction.com
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