Mechinations 115 - Beware Elsa Frozen (Gundam 0079 Eps. 9-10 Discussion)
Podcast, Gundam! On this week's Mechinations, the team examines the intra-White Base conflict that drives much of ep. 9 while sliding off some of the wartime tragedy of Garma's fate in ep. 10. Is Amuro selfless or egotistical? What leads Bright Noa to strike Amuro? Does Fraw Bow speak for herself? Ignis and Stephen stake out positions as pro-Amuro and anti-Amuro, respectively while PMC invokes the PS2 game Journey to Jaburo a bunch on this week's episode and apologizes in advance.
Ep. 9 discussion: 29:30
Ep. 10 discussion: 1:50:16
Intro Disc:
pmcTRILOGY (Disco Elysium)
Stephen Hero (Lords of the Sith)
Thanks to @fretzl for the intro/outro music
Thanks to @JJostar23 for the art
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Mechinations is co-hosted by Ignis Madax (@IgnisMadax), Stephen Hero (@_stephen_hero), and pmcTRILOGY (@pmcTRILOGY)
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