93. Five Sleep Tools We've Tested and Like
In a follow up to our episode on sleep, we break down five sleep tools we’ve tested, like, and are still using.
For many of you, sleep can be a fraught landscape. This is doubly true if you are doing shift work, working nights, or even just getting home with your mind spinning. When you have built-in disrupted sleep, it is extra important to pay attention to how you go about getting as much quality sleep as possible. What’s discussed in this episode is 100% opinion and anecdote but hopefully there is something in here that you’ll find useful.
For show notes and links to what’s discussed on this pod, visit our podcast page
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Awake and Aware Jan 13-15 2023: The Awake and Aware Physician conference sponsored by Wild Health. Jan 13-15 Sedona Arizona. Use the code CONSCIOUSPHYSICIAN for 15% off (that’s 15% off the whole package – lodging, meals, the course).