Sports Psychologist Martin Hagger on the mindset of Elite Athletes
Martin Hagger is a Professor, psychologist, sports psychologist, lecturer, speaker, author, researcher and athlete himself who travels the world researching the mind and human behaviour. It’s a change-up for us in this interview as I step away from cricketers and instead interview a sports psychologist. I’m pumped about this interview with Martin Hagger as there’s so many practical mental conditioning tips and techniques that the world’s best athletes use that you can use yourself. In this episode we discussed: The mindset that separates the absolute best from those that aren’t quite as good Why teams or individuals choke How to deal with anxiety and fear How to shut out mental distractions while competing How people can motivate themselves by setting goals How people can build confidence into their games and lives While Martin isn't a cricketer like our normal guest, we hope you see the value in what he has to share and can implement some of his teachings into your own life on and off the field.