Healing Sols Podcast | Ep 7: Myths & Facts with Sex Trafficking of Minors
This episode was previously recorded for the Healing Sols Podcast and has been refurbished here for your enjoyment.
For more from Natasha Helfer, LCMFT, CST, CSTS, please visit https://www.natashahelfer.com.
Healing Sols Podcast episode #7:
Myths & Facts with Sex Trafficking of Minors with Allan Alexander, MFT who works as a Clinical Field Lead with San Diego Youth Services... in particular assessing for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in the youth that show up in juvenile hall. Allan shares typcial myths about sex trafficking (i.e. this doesn't happen in my neighborhood, kids are kidnapped into sex slavery, this only happens to females, this only happens to poor people, drugs and mental health issues lead to risks, etc.). He also talks about risk factors we should be aware of such as lack of supportive adults in their lives, being a runaway or truant youth, being kicked out of your home (higher likelihood for LGBTQ+ kids), having domestic violence or other abusve dynamics in the home and lack of community resources. We answer questions like: What are the challenges that these minors are facing? How do we address sex trafficking from a systemic perspective? Who are the main consumers of sexually exploitative services? What kinds of conversations should you be having with your kids to help reduce risks? Important and informative listen!