Vulnerabiltity And Recovery
Quick - what does the word 'vulnerability' mean to you? Does it have positive or negative connotations for you? Or both? The dictionary defines vulnerabitly as this: "the inability to withstand the effects of a hostile environment". Other definitions include: "reduced defensive measures" or "susceptible to physical or emontional attack". Doesn't sound so good, right? So why is vulnerability such a cornerstone to recovery? How do we navigate its potentially treacherous waters? Why is it so pivotal? Listen Lisa, Amanda and Ellie, co-hosts of The Bubble Hour, as we have an open (and, yes, vulnerable) conversation about the topic of vulnerability. Through the power of story and shared experience, we discuss what vulnerability means to us, and how it continues to evolve for us as women in recovery from alcoholism. (Note: This is a condensed version of the original conversation. Join us on Patreon at to hear the FULL epsiode!) Links and resources including online support (The BFB) Buy TAKE GOOD CARE: Recovery Readings Inspired by The Bubble Hour Podcast Listen to our spin-off podcast, TINY BUBBLES Please follow @thebubblehour on Facebook and Instagram Theme music is "I Own It" by Jean McCarthy