18. God With Us | Week 1| Discover the Word
Few promises of the Bible offer more reassurance than when God says “I will never leave or forsake you.” Who among us doesn’t want to believe that God is still with us—now? Yes, we see evidence of God in the sky and stars. But here on the ground, we worry. Maybe that’s one reason God asked the huge family that he had rescued from Egypt to camp around His tent in the Wilderness of Sinai. From the outside, this Tent of God’s presence looked more like a portable Bedouin tent than “a house of God”. But on the inside, the detail, color, art, and symbolism spoke of mysteries and secrets, and… far more goodness than God was ready to reveal. And still today, even though so much has since been revealed, there’s so much for us to explore together. Please join us in discovering together what that tent in the wilderness says about "God With Us"… now.