111. Maternal Mental Health with The Motherhood Center
Paige and Catherine are founders and directors of the incredible Motherhood Center in New York City. They are ensuring that pregnant women, new moms, and their partners have plenty of support, therapy and guidance while facing difficult times with anxiety and all mood disorders. Together with Danielle and Adam, they discuss why moms should not feel guilty about not feeling a "motherly instinct," how much more common anxiety is in new dads than is oftentimes discussed, Danielle's story with PPD and how everything might have been different if The Motherhood Center had existed back when she was a new mom. Right now, so many of us are feeling anxious, and just hearing Paige and Catherine's voices and gentle, knowledgable stories will make anyone feel better and more understood. If you are pregnant, a new mom, went through postpartum, or are the partner of anyone going through any of those stages, this is definitely an episode to which you should listen. Send it to friends who might be going through a rough time with anxiety, are new parents, or just want to hear more about what is being done to help women get the attention and professional help they all deserve without shame or embarrassment. The Motherhood Center Sign up for our "Friday Five" on marriageandmartinis.com to receive the supplemental "Date Night Questions" for this email. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.