Episode 159 - Reading Is hard
In Episode 159, Greg and Pam discuss employment, vikings, and going out of business.
Many thanks to Jordan from The Fiber Seed. for the episode introduction! We would love to have YOU record and introduction to the show! You can find details in the Ravelry Group Pages or on our website here.
Check out our group on Facebook! We would love to have you join us there. We would also love us to submit questions for us to answer on a future episode. You can ask us with this form.
Note on Ravelry Links
Note that many of the links in our show notes refer to pages on Ravelry.com. If visiting Ravelry causes you harm, please be cautious clicking links. If you are interested in a link that is inaccessible to you, you can email info at unravelingpodcast dot com and Greg and/or Pam will happily send you the information
You can now financially support Unraveling…a knitting podcast on Patreon! Monthly membership levels are available at Swatch ($1), Shawl ($3), and Sweater ($6) and come with rewards like early access to book club episodes, access to a quarterly Zoom call, discounts on all Knitting Daddy patterns, and holiday cards. Nothing about the existing podcast is changing—we will continue to deliver regular and book club episodes like we have been doing for years—everything available via Patreon is extra. Financial support through Patreon helps us cover expenses like web hosting, prize shipping, and equipment upgrades.
Greg’s Projects
- Greg finished his socks (for real this time)! He used yarn from Two Guys Yarn Company. They incorporate the Non-Euclidian heel by Sarah Jordan and The Discretion Cuff by Gene Beenken-Draper.
- Greg cast on and finished a Smoke In The City hat (his own design).
- Greg cast on the 4-Point Halo hat.
- Greg is working on a second Bag of Sorting (pattern by Danielle Thuen) using yarn from The Fibre Studio at Yarns to Dye For.
Pam’s Projects
- Pam worked on a pair of socks for Scott using Paton’s Kroy. She is loosely following the Vanilla Latte pattern by Virginia Rose-Jeanes with a Fish Lips Kiss Heel by Patty-Joy White. Pam used a Turkish cast on. She is planning to use the Discretion Cuff by Gene Beenken-Draper.
- Pam did not work on but talked about her Citadel, a shawl by Janina Kallio. She is using yarn from Yarn over Floyd.
- Pam finished the Knit Sleepy Fox Amigurumi by Amanda Maciel. She is using KnitPicks Wool of the Andes.
- Pam made 8 Tassel Stars by Carmen Heffernan. She used KnitPicks CotLin for 6 and DMC 5 Pearl Cotton for 2.
Book Club
- Drumroll please! We have selected our next book and it is Adventures in Yarn Farming by Barbara Parry. We will not begin discussing this until January 2023 so you have plenty of time to get your own copy.
Pam and Greg talked about the Two Sheeps calendar – they partner with dyers and designers and release each month’s yarn and pattern throughout the year. Their 2023 calendar is available now! We are going to give away 2 copies of this calendar! One for the December 2022 Ravelry Chat Thread and one on our January 7 Zoom call.
- We discussed the news article Viking Textiles Show Women had Tremendous Power from Scientific American.
- We mentioned the website NeedleTravel.com
- Pam mentioned a whole bunch of random patterns. Cousin Lisa made the Amaya Mosaic Shawl, The Sophie Scarf, Bankhead Hat, and Hipster Shawl.
- Greg went to ArchConf since the last episode.
- Greg mentioned that his brother’s Sandwich Game is now available.
- We talked about the fact that KnitCrate is out of business now.
- We announced our next Community Zoom that will be on January 7 at 11am Eastern. We will post the link in our Ravelry and Facebook groups or email us and we will send it!
- Greg is a regular guest on the Crits & Knits podcast. Tune in for the live Twitch stream on every other Wednesday at 8pm Eastern. (We’re on break until 2023, though.) Or, catch the episode on the YouTube podcast a few weeks later.
- Greg and Pam hosted an Ask Us Anything episode and left the form open so you can submit your questions for future episodes. Submit your question with this form.
- Be sure to enter your Fairs and Festivals entry in the Fairs and Festivals KAL!
Affiliate Link Disclousure
This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click on a link to Amazon and subsequently make a purchase, we’ll receive a small commission from the sale. You pay the same, and the commissions will help cover our podcasting expenses. Our opinions are always our own.
Find us all over the Internet
- Patreon: Unraveling…a knitting podcast
- Subscribe in iTunes: The Unraveling Podcast
- Podcast RSS Feed: Unraveling Podcast
- Twitter: @UnravelingPod
- Facebook: Unraveling Podcast
- Instagram: @UnravelingPodcast
- Ravelry Group: Unraveling Podcast
- Greg is KnittingDaddy on Ravelry, @KnittingDaddy on Instagram, and also writes the KnittingDaddy blog.
- Pam is pammaher on Ravelry and @pammaher on Instagram