15: Unexplained Phenomena Part I
Topics: Woman Has 1000's Of Near Death Experiences Man Claims To Have Had A Relationship With An Alien Boy Remembers Who Murdered Him In A Past Life Skier Mysteriously Disappears And Does Not Recall How He Ended Up Miles Away A Week Later Follow Josh on Twitch! http://twitch.tv/Joshledore (FREE) Subscribe to MHP for episodes: http://bit.ly/2qaDWGf Leave a rating or review on iTunes :) https://apple.co/2H4kh58 Welcome to the Mile Higher Podcast hosted by Kendall Rae and Joshledore. We created this podcast with the sole purpose of opening minds and sharing information about a wide range of topics that often doesn't get mentioned by the mainstream media. These topics include current events, true crime, science, mysteries, conspiracy theories, and of course aliens.