68. Be Nice to Nanas
This episode explores an author you might know: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Theo discusses Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's passion for justice when he involved himself in the case of Oscar Slater. Believing the wrong man had been convicted of murder, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle led a crusade to reverse the laws decision. Delving into the world of conspiracy, Rachael takes us to Russia. In 1959, ten hikers planned a trip on Ural Mountains which ended in tragedy. However, no one is sure what happened to nine which lost their lives. Rachael discusses the theories of what might have happened. As always, the episode finishes with a dumb criminal. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlZRhx8T6ckat=4s If you like Spree, please consider giving a 5 star review and follow us on social media. Twitter: @SpreePodcast.@TheGingerBolt. @RL_Reynolds. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SpreePodcast Contact: digitalcauldronproductions@gmail.com