49. Have You Seen A Dancers Feet?
1934 saw the city of Brighton uncover two horrifying murders. The bodies of two women stuffed into trunks in two unconnected murders. One left in a train station and another seemingly killed by her lover. But were the murders possibly connected? Rachael discusses the case. In the second case, Amy explores the case of the 2001 Anthrax Attack, which saw an already reeling wold trying to recover from 9/11 under attack once again. Wondering whether a biological attack was going to sweep through America. Who was the perpetrator? And why target the news outlets? We delve into the case. Moving onto a dumb criminal, the two hosts muse over the role of social media in catching criminals. If you like Spree, please consider reviewing our episodes, we love to hear from you! Contact: digitalcauldronproductions@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/digitalcauldronproductions Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/digitalcauldron Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SpreePodcast/?view_public_for=261952788005669 Twitters: @SpreePodcast, @RL_Reynolds, @TheGingerbolt