47. Spinsters of the Church
The Scottish Lizzie Borden, Madeleine Smith, was desperate to keep a secret to protect her social status in the Glasgow Elite. Rachael discusses the possible dark means Smith turned to in order to keep her image together. In a quiet, suburban district at the edge of Tokyo, a family of four is found murdered, the killer having left a treasure trove of clues all over the house. Amy goes over the case and what might have happened to the Miyazawa family. The two hosts finish of the episode with a dumb criminal who decided a trip to the zoo needed to end with a fight with an unlikely opponent. Contact: digitalcauldronproductions@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/digitalcauldronproductions Merch: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/digitalcauldron Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SpreePodcast/?view_public_for=261952788005669 Twitters: @SpreePodcast, @RL_Reynolds, @TheGingerbolt