Darbara Singh : The Baby Killer
TW : Child abuse, murder of children and necrophilia. This perverse man's twisted idea of revenge made him sexually assault and kill children. This was the most difficult episode to make till now. Sneha physically had to stop recording a few times just to get her bearings right. Listen on with caution. Sources : 1. https://murderpedia.org/male.S/s/singh-darbara.htm 2. https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/m.timesofindia.com/city/ludhiana/child-serial-killer-dies-at-75-family-refuses-to-claim-body/amp_articleshow/64533207.cms #serialkiller #indiantruectimepodcast #indiancrime #truecrimepodcast #darbarasinghmurderer #babykiller #necrophilia #indianpodcast #indianpodcaster