Bathtub Murder
When beautiful young heiress Georgette Bauerdorf was found dead in her luxurious Sunset Strip apartment, police assumed it was just a tragic accident. The housekeepers discovered her body submerged face down in the bathtub with the hot water tap still on. Her father in New York speculated her heart had failed, and she drowned in the bath water. But after a delay of thirty hours, the autopsy report told another story. New to Hollywood a Crime? Subscribe here: Thank you to our sponsors: Blue Apron - Get your first 3 meals for free with free shipping by visiting them here: Audible - Get a 30-day trial and a free audio book when you visit them here: Casper - Get $50 off any mattress when you visit them here: Been Verified: Get a 5-day trial with unlimited reports for just $1 when you visit them here: We'd like to hear from you. Find us on Twitter @HollywoodNCrime or or give us a call at 424-224-5711 and please complete a quick survey at