Intuitive Eating Summer Series #1: The Diet Mentality + Making Peace with Food

I have received a ton of feedback that you want me to dig deeper into the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating. As a recently Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I am thrilled to be introducing you to this summer's series: Intuitive Eating Summer Series. In Part 1, we are talking all about The Diet Mentality and Making Peace with Food.

Studies have shown time and time again-- dieting doesn't work long-term.

What dieting and restriction causes is what Intuitive Eating refers to as 'diet backlash'. 

Every time a diet fails, we deem ourselves the failure and punish ourselves-- usually by veering completely in the opposite direction and overindulging, or even bingeing, on the foods we deemed 'unhealthy' or 'bad'. We're back to where we started... and the cycle continues. Again, and again.

And I get it- ditching diets can be scary, especially if you want to get healthy and you’ve heard it’s the only way, or you’re afraid that if you stop tracking, measuring and counting you’ll be lost and just eat all of the things. Well, that’s what research shows dieting does ANYWAY- so what are you waiting for?? 

The truth is, dieting is a futile attempt at controlling our bodies because it keeps us from truly tuning into our body’s actual needs. We know the diet won’t last forever, so what do we do after? We are more and more removed from our hunger and fullness cues, relying on portions, we don’t know how to balance fun foods with the ‘diet foods’ that we once only allowed, that we don’t know how to live post-diet. We often kid ourselves into thinking we’ll continue to eat the meager portions and ‘create habits’ out of the plan that kept us so restricted- and the reality is, this simply isn’t true the majority of the time. 

Click the show notes for links to research studies and to find me:

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Get on the waitlist for The Supermama Society: my monthly online membership program for mamas who want to live healthier lives, without restriction. We launch at the end of August!

Quotes from Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that works 
by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
© 2012 St. Martin's Griffin; Third edition 

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