Holiday Special 2022: Naughty or Nice - Season 2 Divas
Happy Holidays, everyone!!
Apologies for this episode coming out after Christmas, but we thought to round out Season 2 of Diva Dailies, we’d play a little holiday game on the pod. Perhaps we can make this a holiday tradition?
In the final episode of Season 2, Angie (@poetrysoul3) and Steffi (@inn_mho) sort our Season 2 divas on the Naughty or Nice List. Then, we also reflect on what hypothetical gift we would give to the diva. It’s a festive time and a great review of all the divas we’ve covered this season.
Thank you to everyone who's supported the pod this year. Whether you sent in a voice message, emailed, or even just gave any episode a listen, we really do appreciate all the support. Also just wanted to give a special congrats to Angie for finishing her first official season as a full time host. Good job, Angie. We can't wait to come back for Season 3 because there's already so much to talk about. Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday break in 2022, and can't wait to hear from you all in 2023!
*Email us for show notes:
*Twitter & Instagram: @divadailiespod
*YouTube: Diva Dailies Podcast
*Twitter & Instagram: @inn_mho
*YouTube: innmyhumbleopinion
*Twitter: @poetrysoul3
*YouTube: Sleepy Nerd Productions
- Housekeeping (00:44)
- Listener Feedback (03:47)
- Naughty or Nice Game (11:44)
- Closing Thoughts/ What’s to Come Season 3 (77:39)