Branch Davidians
2018 marks the 25-year anniversary of a 51-day siege that ended in tragedy, following a shootout between the U.S. government and members of a sect called the Branch Davidians. The gunfire exchange lasted for well over an hour, killing four U.S. agents and six Branch Davidians, and wounding their leader Vernon Howell, also known as David Koresh. Yet this violence was just the beginning of an ordeal that would culminate in an inferno later to become known as the Waco Massacre. CW: references to manipulative behaviours, suicide, murder, and physical abuse and sexual assault, including of minors. Please consider whether this is suitable for you and those around you who may be listening too. Full research sources listed on each episode page at If you have been personally affected by involvement in a cult, or would like to support those who have been, you can find support or donate to Cult Information and Family Support if you’re in Australia (via, and you can find resources outside of Australia with the International Cultic Studies Association (via If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs support right now, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 in Australia, or find your local crisis centre via the International Association for Suicide Prevention website at Links: The Sinful Messiah — The Waco Tribune-Herald's 7-part investigative series, 1993. The Ashes of Waco: An Investigation — by Dick J. Reavis, Syracuse University Press, 1998 Breaking through the myths surrounding the 1993 Branch Davidian raid — by Lee Hancock, Dallas News, 27 February 2018 Armageddon in Waco: Critical Perspectives on the Branch Davidian Conflict — by Stuart A. Wright, University of Chicago Press, 1995 Who was David Koresh? — by Ashley Fantz, CNN, 14 April 2011 Four Years After the Flames of Waco, a Film Keeps the Doubts Smoldering — by Sam Howe Verhovek, The New York Times, 19 August 1997 Branch Davidian children's drawings foretold deadly Waco fire, psychiatrist says — by Spencer Wilking, ABC News, 4 January 2018 Who was David Koresh: Ex-followers describe life inside apocalyptic religious sect involved in 1993 Waco siege — by Muriel Pearson, Spencer Wilking a Lauren Effron, ABC News, 2 January 2018 The children of Waco — ABC News documentary, 17 April 2003 Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, goes up in flames — ABC News television coverage, 19 April 1993 See for privacy and opt-out information.